Did you know that almost all your female friends, whether they’re married, engaged, committed or not can be developed for sex? Unfortunately, just because you can do something doesn’t necessarily mean you should do it. You have to remember that if you are going to develop a friend for sex, you might have a lot of drama on your hands. That friend might be cool with it but her boyfriend, her husband, or even her female best friend might have a serious problem with what you’re doing. You have to pick the right friend if you’re going to do this.
The best situation would be to pick an absolutely single friend who is very focused on her career, education, or business. This person doesn’t really have the time for a deep emotional relationship. She doesn’t want all the drama of an emotional commitment. However, she wants a hard cock up her pussy. Fair enough. You want to stick your dick in some tight, wet hole as well so it’s a tight fit. As long as both of you have the same expectations and the same exit strategy, then you should be fine. The important thing here is to have sex with your friend and remain friends after you stop having sex.
This is not as easy as it may seem. You have to understand that the moment you become physically intimate with a female, it’s not uncommon for females to become emotionally attached to you. A lot of girls think that only women have this problem. In fact, guys have this problem worse than women. Guys like to pretend that they’re all tough, macho, and everything but the moment, they stick their dick into a hole, chances are they develop feelings. They become territorial, possessive, and all sorts of unnecessary drama arise. You have to both agree on the rules and to be mature about it. That’s how it works.
You have to be real, and you have to play it right. To develop a friend for sex, you have to find the right person and also raise it as a joke. You can’t be all serious and scary about it. You don’t want to creep her out.